
March 1st...What it means to me

Today is March 1, 2012. It seems like any over day right? Wrong. Today is the 18th birthday of Justin Bieber and the entire world probably knows this by now. You see, I like his music like every other person in this world but jeez the girls at my school are something else. Every locker had "Happy Birthday Justin!!!!" or a picture on it, every fangirl wore either a JB or purple colored t-shirt and in every single class somebody started this frenzy of "OMG Justin's 18!!!"I get the freaking picture just shut the hell up! You know what? I didn't even celebrate his birthday; I celebrated Ron Weasley's 32nd birthday instead because that' just how awesome I am.

(Pictures belong to their rightful owners and not this fail computer artist typing this message)

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