
Teachers -_-

My world studies teacher is so rude. I asked her a simple question and she went all demon on me. I really dislike her with a passion...and my music teacher but I'll save that for another day.


Um, One Direction?!?!

Um, One Direction, I love you all to bits and pieces but WTH?! People live here, too, you know...
Who has two sad eyes and no One Direction tickets because they aren't coming even close to where you live? This girl :(((


This Isn't A Complaint But....

Narry :)

Me making Nialler's fantasy come true!
Hm, I always figured Zayn is the fairest of them all!

Looks like Louis finally got his boat :)

Ken (Liam) and Barbie (Danielle) enjoying eachothers company <3

Harry in his animal form, meow ;P

What my Directioner heart does in it's free time XD

Freaking Directionators!


My Awkward Moments of This Week

  • The awkward moment when you scream at a scary movie when your little sister just sits there and laughs at it
  • That awkward moment when you find out this annoying little boy you barely talk has this big crush on you O_o
  • That awkward moment when this person you dislike with a passion starts saying that she's the #1 fan of your favorite band...Bitch please! I know them better than you so run along and obsess over YOUR boy Justin Bieber


So Not Cool -_-

Online Voting

Sometimes (when I'm really bored) I vote for award shows so I decided to vote for the KCAs. Sometimes, it's so hard to choose one. Like, when the MTV teen choice awards (or whatever they're called) decided to ask me to choose between 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt1' and 'Twilight Eclipse' I was like "Are you serious?!". I ended up voting for HP then I did it again to vote for Twilight. Anyway, I was voting for the KCAs and this was one of the thingy mobobbers.... (pictured on the top of the screen) and I was like "Are serious? It's like a mother choosing between her children, she can't decide!" I chose Diary of a Wimpy Kid because I feel bad that that book has to go up against three of the biggest teen book series in while. Best of luck nominees!


Nickelodeon Is A Pain In My Bootie

Hears the One Direction poem i made up about their management and Nickelodeon. Enjoy!

You were doing just fine on your own

But then your management went insane

So now your attracting eight year old girls

It should have never gone this way.

What Makes You Beautiful was a hit

It was so awesome that it won a Brit

All of your tumblr fans had an emotional week

Knowing that their babies are the ones to beat.

But now your going on iCarly

A show fit for young children

You should really be aiming for teens

And instead go on Ellen DeGeneres

What happened to Torn

And the unscripted video diaries?

We miss the real you

And not what your management wants to see.

It’s so stupid that we can’t even hug you anymore

Without security showing us the way to the door.

So Go Screw Yourself Nickelodeon

And watch the angry faces of their fans.

Kid networks like you destroy the good things in our lives

Now little ten year olds want to be their wives

What the hell are you smoking

Just leave One Direction alone

Or else they’ll end up like the Jonas Brothers

Broken up and going on their own.



March 1st...What it means to me

Today is March 1, 2012. It seems like any over day right? Wrong. Today is the 18th birthday of Justin Bieber and the entire world probably knows this by now. You see, I like his music like every other person in this world but jeez the girls at my school are something else. Every locker had "Happy Birthday Justin!!!!" or a picture on it, every fangirl wore either a JB or purple colored t-shirt and in every single class somebody started this frenzy of "OMG Justin's 18!!!"I get the freaking picture just shut the hell up! You know what? I didn't even celebrate his birthday; I celebrated Ron Weasley's 32nd birthday instead because that' just how awesome I am.

(Pictures belong to their rightful owners and not this fail computer artist typing this message)