

Hello lovely readers!
Just a little update about yours truly :)

I'm over "Georgia", the ex best friend. I had sucidal thoughts and my dear friend recommended me to the school consouler (sp?) immediatly. She helped get through my anxiety a little and told me things like "At least she hasn't spread your dark secrets". It kind of helped but to an extent.
"Alex" and I are still best friends :)
I gave myself way too little credit in the friend department, honestly. I have made sooo many more "up-my-alley" friends this year than last. I've made ammends with most of the preps so I'm cool with them but still a few really irk me.
The consouler also told me that "Michael" moved to a near-by town so this summer Alex and I are gonna drive up there (even though I'll only have my permit haha).
I've found a recent love for Call Of Duty thanks to my brother. I'm everybodies bitch basically but I still have fun.
About a month ago I realized I wanted to change my body weight so I've began eating healthier, working out, etc. I've only lost 3 punds but hey, it's a start.

Follow me on twitter: @hollypenos
Follow me on tumblr: 3-2-holly
And also I have a book blog for all of you fellow book lovers :)

Until Later,


The Story Of Life

Last year, I met a girl who I had known a little {we'll call her Georgia} about from my step sister (it's complicated but basically my step sister and I are the same age- she went to an elementary school with Georgia and we all finally went to the same Junior High in seventh grade). She had been singing in gigs around our town and she is a pretty good singer. I had looked her up and complimented her in gym class the next day and from then on we became best friends.
We were only two of four girls in our 7th, 8th and 9th grade gym class. We became best friends with the other two girls as well (we'll call them Alex and Marie) and together we were unstoppable. We also had our gay best friend (we'll call him Michael) who made everything a thousand times better. Everything was smileys and rainbows until Georgia began saying things about Alex behind her back like calling her sister a slut, saying her were parents horny bad people and that her dog is vicious. Because she told me those things I was too terrified to go to Alex's sleepover. However, we had a sleepover at Georgia's house a few days before that and Alex's sister came to the door angry that Alex wasn't listening and cussing out Georgia's yapping dogs. Georgia was scared of Alex's older sister a little so when I told Alex this a lunch she got up and left the table. Michael followed her and that's when I began crying because Michael was like a brother to me and I thought Alex hated me. Sheila and Macy were going to Alex's sleepover so they started saying things like "I would be SO mad if someone said that about MY sister." I finally couldn't take it and ran out of English bawling my eyes.
I ignored Alex for a day and then she confronted me. We made up after talking it through, me apologizing saying I would never say shit about her sister. However, Georgia never did.
Every since then things went down hill.
Georgia became more distant so Alex and I became closer.
We suspected it was her dad's doing. You see, he and Alex's dad doesn't have a happy past together (they did some illegal stuff and both got sent to jail). So, in the end, we think Georgia's dad was pressuring her too much with her gigs (seeming how we could never hang out together because she was always too busy) and being Alex's friend. We were later banned from hanging out with Georgia outside of school because her dad blamed us for "Making Georgia go on omegle with us, threatening her music career."
Bullshit. No one will remember her even if she becomes famous. We were only 12\13.
Alex became upset blaming her dad and most times herself. I began to feel pity and hung out with her (also because she was more upbeat and fun then Georgia).
Georgia became mad at me claiming that "Alex is nothing but trouble and that I'm your best friend-you should hang out with me more."
It went on like that until the last day of seventh grade. I was deeply upset because Michael said he would be there on the last day because he ws moving somewhere (still have never found out where- he never emails me back) but we unlocked his locker (he trusted us with his combo) and all of his things were gona and he never showed. However, Alex, Georgia, and I ran around the school without permission and made videos on Alex's iPod. I felt like we were becoming best friends again.
That our dreams of moving in with eachother after high school in Paris was still on.
Touring with Georgia and one day meeting One Direction.
Put looks aren't always promising.
Two weeks after school let out I decided to have a sleepover; all three of us (seeming how Marie and all us had a falling out and weren't close friends) at my house. Georgia arrived first and seemed fine until Alex arrived. Then she became silent, unwilling to do things like dip her toes into the river by my house and altogether seemed depressed. We tried cheering her up and asking her what she wanted to do but nothing seemed to work
The drug power of no sleep kicked in around 3 AM and we all decided to share our deepest darkest secrets with eachother. I had never told ANYONE my secret I had told them. I fell asleep feeling at peace because we were all actually giggling and sharing secrets; feeling closer to eachother.
The day after Georgia began ignoring us; not answering texts and meaningly replying back on Facebook. Finally, Alex confronted her and asked "What's you're problem?"
Georgia - "I have to start pleasing other people besides you and Patty (me). I need some space. Sorry"
I was so upset and she truly did ignore us, even blocking Alex on facebook. I felt fed up and sad. I couldn't take it.
I began crying regularly and spending more time by myself, looking back on the memories.
Like when we would sing One Direction songs together and when we went to one of her gigs and Alex stole a bib from McDonalds.
The more I thought, the more hallow I became.
I began to ignore everything Georgia had told me and spent the night at Alex's (it wan't bad at all- I love her family like my own. Her sisters are very sweet and the one isn't a slut at all). I always kept in contact with Alex- we were eachother's rocks.
Then school came around again.
Georgia became a cheerleader (even though last year she bashed them to no end and stated that she would never become one) and acted like nothing was sour between us all.
That hurt even more- that she acted like nothing was wrong and we had no history.
I became more depressed. I will often have agressive mood swings and punch\throw things, cry myself to sleep, go mute for hours at a time.
I try to make new friends like she has put in our place. But ever since what she did, I have terrible trust and anxiety issues.
If I loose Alex I honestly don't know what I'll do.
I just can't understand Georgia. We went through hell and back, shared dark secrets and were sisters- yet the next day she acts like we are strangers.
Strangers with no happy memories.
I never will admit this to Alex because she literallt hates Georgia but I kind of miss her.
No matter how bipolar she is she was one of my best friends and always had advice on everything. After that fight with Alex about her sister Georgia stayed the night and we sang and laughed and forgot about the hurt.
Sometimes I miss, sometimes I don't.
It's just confusing.
Who can I trust anymore?
Can I even trust myself?


Harrison Webb

 Austin Gray
I thought Austin kinda looked like Harrison today



Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade is the BEST Pandora station I swear:

. Shesgotstyle: Never Shout Never
. Fall For You: Secondhand Serenade
. Absolutely: Nine Days
. 1,2,3,4: Plain White T's
. A Drop In The Ocean: Ron Pope
. Dirty Little Secret: All American Rejects...


http://www.quotev.com/story.php/1451940/Destroyed-Recovery-Sequel/ love this story


"Ed Sheeran dedicated Kiss Me to Liam and Danielle at his concert last night because they were there."


Jordan Jansen Question & Answer Blog Video (Answers)

I'm 14
I like Avril Lavigne
I'm scared of sharks
Anyone who tries to tickle me will die
I'm single
I love Australians
I can be nice (depends on the day)
I can be funny if people understand my humor
Reading is my life
I have a pet dog named Sam and a pet fish named M'n'm
I LOVE gummy bears ands skittles
Blue is a good color
Science is annoying but I'll look past that
I love CSI
Turtles are cute but baby sea lions are cuter


Who wants to be my girlfriend?


"Harry and Niall supposedly kiss the models in the new music video"


Why are my Harry Potter cast edits getting so many views I feel so nervous because I made those just for shits and giggles and I'm afraid someones gonna go crazy and say something like 'That isn't the REAL him hater'.


My Life Right Now...

...Is terrible. My old best friend has changed so much: she's a cheerleader now and has these friends and an album going out this september. It's like she doesn't even like me anymore. She's a fucking backstabber and runs and tells her daddy everything that she does or hears so he can fix it and tell her what to do to help her "music career". wHAT FUCKING MUSIC CAREER?! YOU SING AT BARS AT 12 AT NIGHT YOU CALL THAT A CAREER? AND YOU KNOW WHAT? YOU WERE A SHIT FRIEND BUT I GIVE YOU PROPS FOR BEING AN AMAZING ACTRESS BECAUSE I UNFORTUNATELY BELIEVED EVERY FAKE WORD YOU TOLD US. SO GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR FUCKING NONEXISTENT MUSIC CAREER AND FRIENDS AND CHEERLEADING BECAUSE I DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT.

And then  Zayn Malik deactivated his twitter account.

And my classes are filled with vile, selfish, bitchy, arrogant, dumb as a door knob plastics. I have one ONE class with my best friend and that's it.

I just really hate my life. I feel useless and overweight and like a piece of dirt. I AM invisible and I kind of like it but at the same time it sucks...so bad.

You have NO IDEA how much I miss last year and my best friends and the Fuzzy Ballerz and my amazing teachers. I'd give anything to go back in time so I can be happy again.



Not gonna lie: If I was a teen girl back in the early eighties my bedroom wall would be filled with C. Thomas Howell posters.
I"M  LOSING MY FUCKING MIND. Okay so, I read this book a few months ago and it was amazing and I can remember the plot clear as day but I can't remember the title, author or the names of the characters. I've been googling for the past hour and I CAN"T TAKE IT. If any of you know please comment and tell me I beg of you:

This girl changed her name and wen tot a different high school. There, she met this 'pretty' popularish girl and they became friends. They partyed with the girl's older guy friend. This guy friend is in love with the popular girl but she can't tell (even though they have sex and kiss and all that). They go to a beach house and the popularish girl takes her top off and goes skinny dipping and the girl who changed her name just goes along with the ride.
   The reason the girl changed her name is because her little sister and her were kidnapped and the little sister was raped after they left a party. The girl left her boyfriend and best friend at the party to take her drunk little sister home so they hitched a ride with these college guys. It turned out, however, that one of the college guys was the popular girl's brother and the girl is secretly after revenge.
   "Along the way, the girl who changed her name met this other girl friend and the girl friend  introduced her to her younger brother who is a drummer in his band. They fall in love and she eventually gets pregnant and I think they get engaged. But, on one of their dates, the popular girl finds them and pretends to be her best friend again but goes crazy. She runs out into the ocean and drummer boy ran out to save her. They both died\drown.
One time I saw this picture of this really hot guy and started tearing up a little because I knew I couldn't get anyone as cute as him.

For All You Harry Potter Fans

Here's Daniel Radcliffe edited to look more like how he's supposed to be in the books.


Does This Look Like Ed Sheeran To You Google Images?

Wanna Know A Secret About Me?

Okay, this going to sound a little annoying to people buuutttttt....
There's this REALLY cute guy in my school and he's just AHH. His eyes are so beautiful. They're like a mix of green, blue and hazel. He's tall and funny and just AHHHH.

I'm sorry guys I just had to get that out of my system, hehe :)


If you guys LOVE me and my posts then you should follow me on twitter:




Today, I'll post three confessions about my music taste because I'm bored so here we go:

1) I cannot STAND dubstep. There's no lyrics and all it is is random noises. Sorry not sorry.

2) I don't like AC\DC, Metallica, Aerosmith, etc. It's not like I DON'T like music from around that time. For example, I actually like Bon Jovi, Billy Joel, Stevie Wonder, etc it's just the hard rock stuff I can't handle.

3) With my posts about One Direction people would probably think they are my favorite musicians when actually it's a match up between A Rocket To The Moon, Owl City and Ed Sheeran.


My Dog Tried Taking A Selfie


Jake Epstein Rescue You

I actually really love this song :) Crellie for life!

Would you like ammmmm or fmmmmmm??

Wal Mart



This is the funniest video ever!! Everytime I'm sad, I watch this and laugh my ass off :} KINGSLEY BITCHES

Story Time!

Me (singing Jump Then Fall by Taylor Swift): ...I realize your laugh is the best sound I've ever heard...
My Brother: Wow, you need to get out more often then
Me: -_-
My Brother: :p

                                                                      ~Avril Lavigne


Dave Franco

He's so hot omg.

Who remembers this show because I do.

Did You Know...

That there's this guy at my school who looks like the mini me of Bon Jovi so everytime my friends and I talk about him we call him Bon Jovi? Nope, well now you know cuz it's Holly's super short show.
I acutally really like this song http://youtu.be/yMR382aefmQ
I forgot to enroll for a study hall so I don't have study hall on my schelude and I'm just sitting here freaking out because I'm going to have SO MUCH homework. I just love being me :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))}}}}}}}}]]]]]]]]]))


People are so damn picky on facebook like who cares if it's a bad picture of you it's the REAL you. Calm the fuck down. Honestly, this is why I don't like using facebook anymore. Too many people piss me off on there.


If you don't think they're beautiful I feel bad for your blind eyes

Nialler | Evacuate the Dance Floor


Tara Strong


This is my childhood in one person

I Love Napoleon Dynamite So Much :')

The Princess Diaries

Nobody will truly understand the love I have for the movie omg


Napoleon Dynamite Give Me Some Of Your Tots Scene

Napoleon Dynamite is one the best movies ever! :}
I just now noticed but I post a lot of Harry Potter stuffs don't I?

Remember That Post...

I made about my brother and the womanly things he says? Well, just a little 'behind the scenes', the video I was watching when he said "He must be successful if he can afford a sweater like that" was this:

So, ya.

Good, keep your innocence Emma:


Can I Look Like Them Please?

Can I look like her please?

Or Maybe her?

Because they're all be-a-utiful <3

Perfect Chemistry

Perfect Chemistry is like the best book ever. READ IT!!


One Direction Dubstep Remix

This is the only One Direction song my brother will listen to...



The Next Big Boy-Band HP5!!

(Tom Felton as Niall Horan
Rupert Grint as Zayn Malik
James Phelps as Louis Tomlinson
Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Styles
Oliver Phelps as Liam Payne)

I can never win

New Years Eve\Day

You wanna know what I did on New Years Eve? I stayed up till 5 in the morning watching these movies with my brother :}


Marina and the Diamonds

Love this girl and her music <3


"Don't call me a bitch, bitch"
"Ooh, gurll you be trippin'"
"He must be successful if he can afford a sweater like that"

      --- My 15-year-old brother

I'm kinda convinced that he's secretly girl, just saying.
"I'm a beautiful woman" --- My 15-year-old brother
Beep beep beep back it up like a trucker

T-Pain feat. Chris Brown Best Love Song

This is my jam ;))

Ignore them dikheads omg