
My Life Right Now...

...Is terrible. My old best friend has changed so much: she's a cheerleader now and has these friends and an album going out this september. It's like she doesn't even like me anymore. She's a fucking backstabber and runs and tells her daddy everything that she does or hears so he can fix it and tell her what to do to help her "music career". wHAT FUCKING MUSIC CAREER?! YOU SING AT BARS AT 12 AT NIGHT YOU CALL THAT A CAREER? AND YOU KNOW WHAT? YOU WERE A SHIT FRIEND BUT I GIVE YOU PROPS FOR BEING AN AMAZING ACTRESS BECAUSE I UNFORTUNATELY BELIEVED EVERY FAKE WORD YOU TOLD US. SO GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR FUCKING NONEXISTENT MUSIC CAREER AND FRIENDS AND CHEERLEADING BECAUSE I DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT.

And then  Zayn Malik deactivated his twitter account.

And my classes are filled with vile, selfish, bitchy, arrogant, dumb as a door knob plastics. I have one ONE class with my best friend and that's it.

I just really hate my life. I feel useless and overweight and like a piece of dirt. I AM invisible and I kind of like it but at the same time it sucks...so bad.

You have NO IDEA how much I miss last year and my best friends and the Fuzzy Ballerz and my amazing teachers. I'd give anything to go back in time so I can be happy again.

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