

Hello lovely readers!
Just a little update about yours truly :)

I'm over "Georgia", the ex best friend. I had sucidal thoughts and my dear friend recommended me to the school consouler (sp?) immediatly. She helped get through my anxiety a little and told me things like "At least she hasn't spread your dark secrets". It kind of helped but to an extent.
"Alex" and I are still best friends :)
I gave myself way too little credit in the friend department, honestly. I have made sooo many more "up-my-alley" friends this year than last. I've made ammends with most of the preps so I'm cool with them but still a few really irk me.
The consouler also told me that "Michael" moved to a near-by town so this summer Alex and I are gonna drive up there (even though I'll only have my permit haha).
I've found a recent love for Call Of Duty thanks to my brother. I'm everybodies bitch basically but I still have fun.
About a month ago I realized I wanted to change my body weight so I've began eating healthier, working out, etc. I've only lost 3 punds but hey, it's a start.

Follow me on twitter: @hollypenos
Follow me on tumblr: 3-2-holly
And also I have a book blog for all of you fellow book lovers :)

Until Later,