
Friends -_-

Today, two of my best friends got into a fight and now I apparently can't talk to one friend anymore. What the hell is wrong with people!? YOUR past is YOUR past, not mine. I can keep\ talk to whoever I want to and not who you tell me to talk to. Yes, the 'annoying' girl is my friend and the 'bitchy' girl is friend, so what? They're nice and helpful AND friendly to me so why do I have to give them the cold shoulder? Either you respect my choices as who I keep as friends or you just get out of my life.

                                            ----Halls <3

(7/20/12: Lol, okay we worked it out so if any of you guys, Lexi, Rachel, Savannah, ever see this I love you guys :) )


LOL, One Of My Best Guy Friends Is LUCKY That He Has Me ;)

Getting Their Attention

Women can sound complicated but we are actually simple. Guys just need to know and or study the lady friend he has a crush on to discover the things that she likes. We are a few tips on how to get their attention.

    • Compliment her
This a good starter for conversation and it sparks interest in her mind. Don’t do it everyday though because then it will make you sound pushy. Also, compliment her on new clothes or hairstyle. If you compliment her on something she’s worn before, she might think that you’re doing it just to get in her pants (that sounds awful but we always jump to those kinds of conclusions).
    • Offer to help her with something
Only offer her our help if you KNOW how to help her. Guys who try to impress the girl by saying they know how to do something when they really don’t is a BIG turn off for girls. Some find it cute but most find it annoying.
    • Don’t believe rumors that you hear about her
Automatically jumping to conclusions about her isn’t right. Give her a chance to hear her side of the story before picking sides.
    • Try to talk about things that SHE likes
If you constantly talk about yourself, she’ll think you’re conceited or selfish. Conversations that revolve around her will make her feel special and like you even more. But it’s OKAY TO TALK ABOUT YOU, too, but make sure it revolves around the conversation you’re trying to have with her.
    • Don’t seem awkward. Most girls like confident guys
Most girls LOVE confident guys. This includes: NOT stuttering, sweating, or fidgeting. Look her in the eyes when you are talking to her and never become distracted while talking with her. Also, poor, unthoughtful excuses are NOT okay. If you MUST lie about something, think it through thoroughly and considerably before telling the lie.
    • Dress To Impress
Cleaned-up guys are also appealing to girls. Men who do not take care of themselves make us think that if they can’t take care of themselves, how are they going to treat us? This means: Brush your teeth, get regular haircuts, do NOT smell bad, dress with color coordination and class, and manscaping every once and a while.
    • Humor
Being funny and cracking jokes can save you from the most awkward situations. It also helps when you’re talking to a girl because if you can make her laugh, you already made it on her ‘Good SIde’ list. But, don’t make inappropriate\disgusting jokes (unless she’s into stuff like that. KNOW what the girl is like BEFORE you open your mouth)

Easy Conversation Starters

(Fill in the blanks based on the situation\person)
    • “ Hey ___, can you help me with ____”
    • “Do you know what time it is?”
    • “Did you figure out number ___?”
    • “Hey, I like your (hair, shirt, shoes, poem, etc.)”
    • “What’s the homework assignment again?”
    • “Can I borrow a pen\pencil\piece of paper?”
    • “Do you know what’s for lunch?”

ADVANCED Observations That Will Start A Conversation

    • If you notice her t-shirt\hoodie\hat\headband says or has a logo (such as a band or past-time), take action that you noticed it and say something such as “Hey, you like ___, too?” or “I didn’t know you liked ___\ did ___.” {NOTE: Do NOT say\do this starter if the logo (such as a band or past-time) is on her pants. Saying something nice about a logo on her pants will make her think you are somewhat a pervert for looking at her butt\legs.}

    • {NOTE: This starter works best if you have mutual friends} Start talking to her about somebody\something that you both are familiar with (such as friends). Do NOT say rumors or hateful comments about somebody because 1) it is wrong and 2) that person may be her best friend for all you know so saying wrong things about that person will offend your crush and she will stray away from you. Examples: “Hey, do you know where ___ is today?” or “___ deserved the award she won (or situations similar to that)”

    • (NOTE: This starter works best if you somewhat know her schedule) Ask her about assignments from other classes (but from the same teacher). For example, “Hey, do you know what the homework assignment was yesterday for _____ (insert class that you both share; Doesn’t necessarily need to share the hour)?” or “Do you have ___ for _____ (insert school subject)?” or “How do you think you did on the test\lab\____ in ____’s class?”

Hopefully these tips\situations worked for you :) Good Luck

(This is the Guide To Women paper I wrote him :') )


My English Haiku

This is the legit haiku I feel like submitting for a grade in English :P

Haters gonna hate
     Potatos gonna potate
           That's the way it goes



f[gdjfjdio;egfiuFOHGFSKGFKDGKKmygfdgijdfogjodjGOD!!! I got one direction tickets :)))))))) :DDDDDDD :PPPPPP IM so excited! I cant even...Im crying!! Yes! :,D